Step 1

Visit Blogspot

Go to Blogspot and click the 'Create your blog' button. Sign in with your Google account. Set a display name for your Blogger profile and hit 'Continue to Blogger'.

Step 2

Create Your Blog

On the welcome screen, click on the option to create your blog. Fill in the title field with your chosen blog name. Every blog has a unique web address with a subdomain like ''. Check if it's available and proceed. You can change these details later.

Step 3

Choose a Template

After setting up your blog, choose a template. Click 'Create blog' to save your settings. Now, go to the posts screen by clicking 'New post'.

Step 4

Write Your First Post

Enter your post title and content. Use the toolbar to format text, add links, and upload media. Once done, move to the right pane to set labels, schedule posts, and more. Preview your post and, if satisfied, click 'Publish'.

Step 5

Manage Your Blog

Visit your Blogger dashboard to manage your blog and posts. You can create up to 100 free blogs per account. Click 'Posts > All' to edit a post. Hover over a post for edit, view, and delete options.

Step 6

Monitor Stats and Comments

Click 'Stats' to monitor traffic and audience. Check 'Comments' to approve, delete, and reply to comments.

Step 7

Create Pages and Customize Layout

Use the 'Pages' section to create about us, contact, and privacy policy pages. Customize your blog layout, add widgets, and create a favicon under the 'Layout' tab.

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